Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bottling at Lodestar Olive Oil

When farms and small businesses hire Betterfit Ranch, we're not just doing the sales, communications or marketing; we actually prefer to get in on the action. After a combined 25 years of working in this area, we absolutely understand that most Northstate farmers would rather, well, farm. There's not usually enough time in a day to grow, harvest and market their value-added agricultural products, so that's where we come in. Think of us as the Mr. Wolf of agriculture.

On this particular day, we worked for our friends at Lodestar Farms' plant and tasting room in Oroville, CA. There, we bottled EVOO for the next day's farmers market (this way it is as fresh as possible when you buy it).
After bottling, we applied the labels. Then came the beautiful foil seal that goes over the corked cap and is sealed on with heat. John was a natural; Mandy needed a bit more practice. Below, her pile of "do-overs."Lodestar is a gem among what many refer to as the Silverado Trail in California's Sierra Foothills. The Johansson family has capitalized on their location and climate to produce a true, California-style olive oil with late-harvest Mission olives. Visiting their tasting room on the farm and gazing over the idyllic grove setting in the late afternoon is one of our favorite Sunday pastimes. Try their Balsamic Dipping Oil or their Lemon-Infused olive oil, with real Meyer lemons!

For more information, visit

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